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卡内基梅隆大学Keiko Koda教授系列讲座 第一讲

时间:2019-12-13 来源: 发布人:

题目: The Role of Linguistic Knowledge in L2 Reading Development

主讲人: Keiko Koda教授(美国卡内基梅隆大学)

时间: 2019-12-16 14:00 至 2019-12-16 16:00

地点: 北京语言大学新综合楼1125-1127学术报告厅

主办单位: 彩宝彩票


Despite its centrality, little is known about what constitutes reading ability in adult foreign language learners; how it relates to reading ability in their native language; how its development relates to L2 linguistic knowledge; and how it can be promoted meaningfully in foreign language classrooms.

In this talk, I will attempt to address these questions by clarifying reading ability from three perspectives, including reading acquisition, content learning, and second language development. I will also describe how reading ability and language proficiency are conceptualized in their respective fields and then, examine how reading development is constrained by linguistic knowledge.


Keiko Koda,现任美国卡内基梅隆大学现代语言系第二语言习得专业教授,是第二语言阅读研究领域的国际著名学者。主要研究领域为:第二语言阅读(Second language reading)、第二语言习得(Second language acquisition)、第二语言习得研究方法(SLA research methods)、双语文发展(Biliteracy development)、心理语言学(Psycholinguistics)、外语教学法(Foreign language pedagogy)、跨语言读写(Literacy across languages)。研究成果主要发表在Studies in Second Language Acquisition,Second Language Research,Modern Language Journal,Language Learning, Applied Linguistics,Applied Psycholinguistics等国际知名期刊上。所出版的专著《洞察第二语言阅读——跨语言途径》(Insights into second language reading: A cross-linguistic approach)(Cambridge University Press,2005)为世界图书出版公司引进的“西方语言学与应用语言学视野——第二语言习得前沿书系”之一(2007);作为主编或共同主编出版了Reading and language learning(Blackwell Publishing,2007),Learning to read across languages(Routledge,2008);先后担任Reading and Writing,Modern Language Journal,Reading Research Quarterly 等期刊的编委;曾多次应邀在美国应用语言学会(AAAL)年会等重要国际学术会上做主旨发言或重要报告。